Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's got to be all about something...

I am asked to write a newsletter article every other month.  I wanted to find a way to make a history of such things if someone were to come along and see, for example, what was said last publication.  So here it is--a new blog specifically for the family and friends of McKendree UMC in Lincolnton, NC.

The address is (yes, that's McKendree McPastor DOT  I will archive (from this post on) those newsletter articles as well as other thoughts, pictures, announcements, etc.  Please find the blog online and subscribe.  Every now and then, let me know someone is reading it by making a comment, posing a question, or just giving it a thumbs up.  You can also share it with your friends and family--a good way to encourage folks to come visit out church or some church event!

You're just now getting to know me a little better as I'm getting to you know all of you.  And while we have much to point to with pride in the goings on at McKendree, you and I have MUCH work to be done.  What do we do here at McKendree?  What's it all about anyway?

There's meetin' time--lots and lots of meetin's.  By God, we're Methodists and that's what we're good at. I sit here and overlook the calendar and you know, if it weren't for meetin's we might not have much to do at ALL.  Council on Ministries, Admin Board, Trustees, SPRC (?), Finance, Worship, etc, etc, etc.  We are all about meetings.

There's Food.  We eat a lot--I mean a LOT.  We Methodists know how to hold a fork.  We got 3rd Sunday meals, Women's meals, Men's meals, youth meals, and sometimes we meet over a meal just to decide what meal is next.  We love to eat.  We are all about eating!

There's worship and learning times.  These are meetin's with each other, and with God and it's for feedin' the soul, not the belly!  Good times. And we are faithful to keep them all!  God bless us!  We are all about Worship!

But when someone wants to know what we are all about, do we tell them meetings, food, worship and learning?  What's it all about anyway?  I borrow from my good friend, Donna Coone, and tell you it better be that we can say with integrity--IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE.  Everything we do together, individually, as the church, as a family, as members of the body of Christ--if it's not about love--what is it about?  What possibly could be the point of all of this if there were no love?

Read that part of Corinthians that says we can speak, sing, preach 'til the cows come home, but if have no love, we're no more impressive than a clanging cow bell!

Invite your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors to come see us at McKendree and when they want to know what it's all about--what WE are all about at McK UMC?  Tell them It's all about LOVE.

And with that, let me say, I LOVE each and every one of you!  Really I do!


Pastor Tommy