Sunday, October 28, 2012

Newsletter Nov Dec 2012 article

From the Pastor’s desk:


It has been suggested that the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in just a few weeks. 
The passage from James that I’m about to preach from (James 4: 13-17--last Sunday of October) seems to take on the same urgency.  In fact, most of the New Testament is written with an eye on the soon and sudden return of Christ.  Behold the End is Near!

Today I want to talk about the impending end of the year 2012.  The end, IS in fact, near.  Yes, we have lots of stuff still to do with November, Advent and Christmas.  (By the way, Christmas at McKendree will be a “drop in” communion.  We know how busy so many families are so here is a way that you can not only work around what you are doing with family, but you can bring them too.  Silent time of prayer and receive the elements—that’s all—then back to the festivities.  More to come on that).  But in reality, as we put Charge Conference forms and planning meetings behind us, the year is winding down.  Soon it will be 2013 and we will have new officers, new members, (you already have a new pastor), and hopefully the beginning of a new vision.

Today I challenge each of you to be in prayer.  Specifically, I want you to seek out God’s will for your involvement at McKendree AND for McKendree’s involvement in the community.  How are we (as individuals and as the church) going to make a difference for the Kingdom of God in 2013.  Then I want you to spend time doing something we almost never do.  Listen!  Meditate, be quiet, hum, sing, read scripture, whatever it takes for you to listen for that still small voice of God...Where is He leading us?  Where is He leading Me?


In His Service,

Pastor Tommy

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