Monday, September 3, 2012

Facebook Theology?

Disclaimer.  I know some of you posted these things.  I'm not picking on you.  It also may have nothing to do with you. Lots of folks post these things and thankfully, they all make me think...

I saw a post today (and yesterday, and last week, etc, etc.) that said, "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"

Great intentions.  Let's find a way to encourage folks to give thanks and to do so regularly!  Let's remind folks to be good stewards, for all good things come from God.  It is our Christian duty and responsibility to care for the things God has given us--to remember that even our very life is a gift from the Creator.

But still...

I type this as I look at my son, playing with our cat, Sam.  My daughter is in the other room, playing with the new kitten.  Each of them is dependent on me and my wife for their very survival.  We give them (all four of them): food, shelter, clothing, toys, entertainment, etc.  All good things come from us.  But they are not (any of them) at a maturity level yet to understand their full dependence.  OK, we'll ignore the cats for now as some may argue they aren't made in the image of God (others might disagree).  Imagine what you would think of me if I were to adopt this new policy with just my children.

Anything my kids don't thank us for today, we'll take away tomorrow.  My son didn't say thanks for his shoes (he's had them for a while, but still, he should remember to be thankful EVERY DAY.  Tomorrow, he goes to school barefoot.  My daughter forgets to thank us for rice--a staple in her diet.  Tomorrow, she goes hungry (yes, without rice, she just might).

I don't need to take the example any further as I'm guessing you know already what you would think of me.  Many of my dearest friends or family members would be calling the authorities to have the kids taken away and the kids would not have the absolute assurance that we will always be here for them.  They might not could put it into words, but they'd feel it... Mom and Dad are petty and small minded, uncaring and inhumane.

And so, while I appreciate the good intentions, I think God is a better parent than we will ever be.  I think God's children will not have the feeling of absolute assurance that God will always be there for us if we feel threatened that God might simply come and take away those things we were derelict in giving thanks for yesterday.  I think the idea, when you think about it, gives those on the margins the idea that God is petty, small minded, uncaring, and inhumane.

So, to answer the question..."What if I woke up this morning and the only things I have are the things I remembered to give thanks for yesterday?...Well, I think my God would have just gotten a lot smaller....

So what about you?  What are some others you've noticed.  Leave me a comment below with those questionable Facebook Theological posts you've seen.

Whatever you think of God or God's actions...God is bigger than that, too.


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